Tuesday 18 October 2016

Mard Kay Jism Ka Wo Hisa jo ra surt dhop se bacha kay rakhna chahye

Heat has reached its peak and therefore not good for you health to get direct sun, but a certain portion of the case can be saved directly from the sun, because it burns result in serious skin body most cancers occur in the melanoma site hy.uyb mains says Harvard University scientist Professor Shao Wei Wu Although every part of the body's health must be protected from the scorching sun, but the most sensitive part of the way back Is,

Because if it burns in the sun sloppy noma cancer risk is multiplied. Dr. Shao that we face, hands and feet are often the face of the sun, but have little direct sunlight in the back. might see the burn, but some time in that situation could change in fair noma skin cancer. Dr. Shao noted that if unfortunately you back please do not delay in showing to be the expert skin burns in the sun, and they must get some time to examine your skin once every three months.

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