Saturday 15 October 2016

NASA has discovered a new land

Nasa Ne Aik New Zameen Daryaft Kar Li..!

NASA will launch the Kepler Space Telescope in 2009. The purpose of the launch was to explore a planet, that Earth has just announced there are the conditions for life hun Nasa they've discovered the planet Earth.
NASA's Kepler 452b him the name that is being hy.kha of water is larger than the size of the planet. The snow rather than liquid form.

452b, 385 days a year, its orbit about 5 percent greater than the Earth's orbit b hy..452 sun is like the Sun, which is about 4% larger and 10% brighter than the Sun.
452b has the 500 is one of the planets which would confirm 452b as the only planet in the Kepler space telescope has found these 500 planets.

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